Cams S.r.l, specialist in the slotting industry, has developed and patented this range of tools designed to satisfy customer requirements and expectations.

This new range offers a number of advantages and benefits:  robust tool holder (can be supplied with a channel for tool cooling liquid) and above all, fitting the tool to the tool holder is quick and self-centring thanks to the purposely designed fixture pin.  

The tool inserts can be supplied in HSS or supplied with a specific coating depending on the type of material to machine (Wonder, Tin, Ticn….) and upon request provided with specific tolerance margins and design.

We have developed a range of modular tool inserts for machining splines:

  • DIN 5480
  • DIN 5482
  • ANSI B 92.1
  • ANSI B 92.2M
  • NF E22 – 141
  • JIS D 2001

There has been a substantial increase in demand for these accessories  and thanks to the aid of electronic technology our Slotting Machines offer greater precision, flexibility and improved machining performance.


Rectangular Series Tools


Round Series Tools

Special tools on demand

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